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Hey Girl Hey!

Aspiring Co. is a media company here to remind you to chase your dreams relentlessly and to inspire you when you feel like giving up. We are telling the stories of DreamChasers (women and en-by folx) who are fighting every day to pursue a life of meaning.

Episode 4 - One Year Self Employed (Reflections and Stuff)

Episode 4 - One Year Self Employed (Reflections and Stuff)


This is episode 4 of Yes Girl Yes, an Aspiring Co. Podcast! We are talking with friend and fellow creative Linda Nguyen on lessons learned and affirmed as both Linda and Danae close in on 1 year since quitting their jobs. So many feels!

About Linda:


About her business:


Intro Music: Jacqui Haggerty -

Audible Trial:

Episode 5 - Productivity and Efficiency As A Means Of Preventing Burnout

Episode 5 - Productivity and Efficiency As A Means Of Preventing Burnout

Episode 3 - Creative Living (Part 2)

Episode 3 - Creative Living (Part 2)