danae edmonds danae edmonds

10 Years of Dreams

In Jan 2014 I started this project. I was curious about how to create a life of my dreams so I thought I would ask a bunch of folks for their advice and processes so I could study them and hopefully find my way to living out my dreams.

I was 21 when this project started and looking back I think it’s fair to say I placed more emphasis on who I thought I was supposed to be and less on who I am and was. I know now that who I was as a child is who I am as an adult.

My dreams haven’t changed that much. I always wanted to write/ document the world around me as well as finding ways to make meaningful change. While the means by which I do these things may change, I know ultimately it is my calling and responsibility to honor it.

While things may not happen in the timing that I would like I know walking in my purpose, what’s for me will never miss me. I am excited to see what year 10 of this work brings.

Professionally I work in digital politics helping progressive candidates and policies get elected in the beautiful state of Colorado.

It hit me a few days ago that I am living the life of my dreams. It doesn’t look the way I imagined but big picture I have accomplished or am actively on my way to accomplishing all the things.

Stay tuned ✨

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