DreamChaser | CoCo
General Information
Name: Coco
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 31
Job Title/Company: Yoga & meditation teacher, artist
Education Background: BFA, Simon Fraser University
In-depth Questions
Tell us a little about who you are.
I am a Taiwanese freelance yoga teacher & artist with a focus on mindfulness and healing.
What sparked your interest in starting your business(es)?
Towards the end of 2017, I was feeling unhappy and dissatisfied with my work and I had a breakdown after a few drinks on NYE. Letting myself cry helped me release my suppressed emotions- even though there were people I loved/that loved me, I still felt hopeless and lonely. Eventually, I realized that working a 9-5 job simply isn’t suitable for me, and I was responsible to take action and make changes to my life and wellbeing.
If applicable, tell us about your full-time job and/or any side hustles you might have.
Currently I am enjoying the balance of being an executive assistant part-time, and yoga & mindful art teacher part-time for adults.
Who are you most influenced by?
I am inspired and fascinated by contemporary artists that explore the complexities of human nature and emotions. Such as Marina Abramovic, Ana Mendieta, Felix gonzalez-torres, and Petra Collins...and more! Their way of storytelling, exploring identities through their bodies, installations and photographs are unique, expressive, and touches my heart deeply.
What was your first job and how long did you hold that position?
Waitress at my University’s Indian restaurant. One of the most delicious things I had was called a Naanwich (just like a sandwich but with naan bread & butter chicken filling). I still remember there was a guy who always came in for the lunch buffet and took his shoes off while he ate. Around 2 semesters I think.
Can you share one of your proudest achievements with us?
I was shy and independent as a young girl, when I grew up I realized there were not many memories I can recall with my parents. After years of inward practice and self reflection, I learned that I felt neglected, unseen and unheard during my childhood. So honestly, my recent proud moment was when I was able to stand up for myself in front of my mom and make sure I was seen and heard, instead of avoiding or running away from the situation. And that I am in control, and it’s important to set healthy boundaries with her.
What were your initial goals with your work? How have they evolved?
My art & yoga practice were separate entities in the past, as time goes on they slowly emerge into one beautifully.
What do you think is the most important life skill you learned through your work?
How to be present & mindful. This really helps me with contentment and gratitude practice for everything that I have, and to find inner strength within even through the darkest nights. I check in with myself daily by listening to my mind & body that day - How am I breathing? What am I craving, is this craving from mind or body? What's on my mind, are my thoughts affecting my emotions? How am I feeling, really?
Where do you hope to be in five years?
Hopefully living somewhere new, somewhere in Europe would be nice!
What is a typical day like for you?
Morning tea with oatmeal, walk my dog, meditate, movement practice and plan my class for the night, emails. Lunch break, chores & errands, time for art, some reading, afternoon snack/tea, more work on the laptop. Early dinner, teach my evening class, relax (usually watch something on Netflix) then ready for bed.
What was the biggest obstacle you’ve faced so far in the process of pursuing your goals?
When there’s a new collaboration opportunity for workshops or retreats, I get really excited but self doubt is my biggest obstacle, thinking that I was not good enough/not ready to take on the projects or roles that were asked of me. When in reality, I just had to overcome these voices inside my head, and tell myself “I can do it, I am ready for this.” finding courage to say yes, and step outside of my comfort zone!
What is the best piece of advice you have received?
Follow the flow of life, when you are ready the universe will have your back.
“Cultivate a beginner’s mindset for learning, but accept that there are times when things don’t work out. And that’s totally fine.”
When do you get your best ideas?
At random times during the day, when I am not “thinking”, or sometimes after watching/reading something that inspires me.
Can you share with us one time that you failed and what you learned from that failure?
I still remember feeling so disappointed in myself that I failed my computing science class twice in university that really brought down my overall GPA. I needed to learn how to be okay with things I am not so good at. Cultivate a beginner’s mindset for learning, but accept that there are times when things don’t work out. And that’s totally fine.
How do you unwind?
Walking my dog in nature, going to exhibitions alone, sipping tea, chilling on the couch with a warm blanket, listening to music in bed.
What did you want to be as a kid?
I wanted to become a pharmacist because I was intrigued with all the pills with a variety of colours .
Can you share a sacrifice you have made to pursue your dream?
You can say it’s the traditional values of stability, a routine that gives people financial freedom and a sense of security. As a freelance worker, I need to motivate myself to work, set routines, make deadlines, and set goals that are achievable. Sometimes it’s hard to define when I'm “off” work, since managing social media, interacting with my students, and potential partners are also a part of what I do.
What would you tell someone else who is interested in entering your field?
Before you enter the yoga/art field, I would suggest for you to have a disciplined self-practice and make time to create. You can find your voice and style as you grow, and it takes time, don’t rush, enjoy the process of figuring it out.
What do you hope people take away from your story?
~Find a balance between head & heart.
~Be honest with your feelings, it is key to untangle knots in your life with yourself and others.
~When you say you will make the change, follow through with real action to make things happen for the better.
To Support CoCo, Follow Her Below
Instagram: @artwithco