I have to thank THE READ (my favorite podcast) for this intro to Dani and The Validate Game. They submitted a read and I immediately had to look them up. Their game launches in Spring 2021!
Name: Dani Lalonders
Pronouns: they/she
Age: early 20s
Job Title/Company: Head developer of ValiDate Struggling Singles in Your Area
Education Background: College level degree in Communications
“I think more companies should hire people of color so I just did it myself.”
Tell us a little about who you are.
I am a nonbinary black woman who decided that she wanted to make a game! I have been a gamer pretty much all my life and I’ve wanted to get into gaming but was unsure how to do so until I created ValiDate in August of 2019. Now it is September of 2020 and my dream is booming and is on the right path to coming out. I am very proud of my work and I am glad that as a black woman, I am given the opportunity to tell my stories with my team via ValiDate.
What sparked your interest in starting your business(es)?
I think more companies should hire people of color so I just did it myself. I currently have about 27 game developers of color who are employed by Veritable Joy Studios.
If applicable, tell us about your full-time job and/or any side hustles you might have.
This is pretty much my full-time job due to covid but I also did a lot of community building in the past in many fandom spaces. As the head developer, I pretty much do all of the behind the scenes stuff to ensure people and things are being set up correctly.
Who are you most influenced by?
Other black women in creative spaces, I can’t even go on to name names but every black woman in gaming has inspired me and encouraged me to be at where I am today.
What was your first job and how long did you hold that position?
I worked at a grocery store native to the midwest and I hated it so much I quit within like three months.
Can you share one of your proudest achievements with us?
ValiDate is my baby. I love Validate so much and I am so proud of myself for the way it has blown up because this is my first game and I don’t know how I knocked it out of the park like this.
What were your initial goals with your work? How have they evolved?
The initial goal was to release a small little gaming sim with an all people of color cast but now ValiDate is a very big project and a rather large game and I just cannot wait for it to come out.
What do you think is the most important life skill you learned through your work?
Leadership. I am a natural-born leader and at times it is a lot of pressure but I somewhat make it work.
Where do you hope to be in five years?
I hope to be able to release a 3D visual novel, similar to a TellTale game that has a black woman as the lead character.
What is a typical day like for you?
Covid really messed up my sleep schedule but I tend to wake up around 8 or so. I work out, make a breakfast when I get back. Answer emails, do a few zoom meetings and go on about my day.
What was the biggest obstacle you’ve faced so far in the process of pursuing your goals?
Racism 100%. And it sucks that people are racist and don’t really believe in our game but for every one hater, there are 10 supporters and I just have to remember that.
What is the best piece of advice you have received?
Talk about my game and not myself. People will try to frame my game as just me as a marginalized person and I understand that I am marginalized but my identity has a lot to do with my game but it isn’t about my game. If that makes sense. I always have to talk about my game, not myself.
When do you get your best ideas?
Playing other video games, talking to other black creatives, watching and indulging in media that I want to create.
Can you share with us one time that you failed and what you learned from that failure?
There have been times where I have handled issues with ValiDate badly, this was towards the beginning of when we first started popping off. And from that, I learned to just never acknowledge the hate. Because who cares lol.
How do you unwind?
Weed, are we allowed to say that haha
Can you share a sacrifice you have made in the pursuit of chasing your dreams?
I just don’t really have that much time to talk to my friends at the moment. Ever since ValiDate started popping off, I’ve been rather MIA for the most part and I hope things calm down so I can rest a little.
What would you tell someone else who is interested in entering your field?
Just do it. Don’t be afraid because you’re black and or queer. Just do it. Make the games you want to make because there will always be someone who believes in you.
What do you hope people take away from your story?
Never let anyone convince you that you’re aiming too high.
Anything we missed that you would like to share?
I love my team! Shoutout to all the ValiDate fans! You guys are awesome!
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