LNG It Girl
LNG It Girl

Littlenailgirl first caught my eye because of the lovely designs and colors that Heather creates! Her work is always so beautiful. Upon further investigation, I realized that she also makes her own 5-free vegan polish and I was hooked. Heather shares with us her story as a nail artist and entrepreneur and the sacrifices that come along with that.

Name : Heather aka Littlenailgirl

Age : 36

Job Title/Company: Creator / Founder of Littlenailgirl Lacquers

1. Tell us a little about who you are.

At a young age (ever since I was a... ‘little girl’) I always knew what I wanted to do as a profession. All my life I loved nail polish. Wanting long beautiful nails, like my mom, sister and grandma I enjoyed polishing theirs and dreamed of becoming a nail technician. In 1996 I became a licensed cosmetologist straight out of high school and so it began. For the past 18 years I have operated independently in the Fort Lauderdale area. Fast forward and still enjoying this entire journey - I thought, "So why not add my own polish line to both mine and your collections". After years of research I finally found a product that meets my high standards.

2. Why nail polish?

As a little girl I bit my nails and was always ashamed of my hands. I am proud to say that habit was short lived and now enjoy manicures and even more so now that I can wear my own lacquer!


3. Who are you most influenced by?

My Mom. She is a living angel to me. She has always been 100% supportive and is very proud of me. She has instilled in me her hard working ethics and I am everything I am because she loves me.

4. What was your first job and how long did you hold that position?

I have always wanted to work in a salon so I got a job as shampoo assistant at the age of 14.

I enjoyed every moment of working there and that is where my love for becoming a nail technician began. I worked there throughout high school and continued there until I finished cosmetology school.

5. What inspired you to create your own nail polish?

I wanted a safe & eco friendly product. I am aware of all of the harmful chemicals in nail polish (people remind me daily) so I wanted to give people more healthy options.

As you already now I am a nail technician of 18 years and proudly have most of the same clientele still with me. Such an honor!!! I’m clearly obsessed with nails so I really put all my heart into expanding my business with my specialized lacquer line. I started with naming them after special people in my life and with my awareness line, I plan to name them in honor of special people in others lives.


6. What were your initial goals with your polish? How have they evolved?

To provide the world with an amazing polish that was safe and healthy.

Our lacquer line started with 15 shades and we are now up to 21 not including our brand new awareness line (to be released October 2014) and our Fall colors in November 2014.

7. What do you think is the most important life skill you learned from being an entrepreneur?

Hard work and dedication... LNG is constantly working hard to bring you the latest trends and fashion. We are always keeping on top of things and put the utmost quality into our line. Our customer service is key to us. We strive hard to make our customers/clients very happy so that they want to return.

8. Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

We would love to be welcomed globally in the years to come and grown our lacquer line while continuously naming our colors to raise awareness.

(Check out Love Annie and Love Deb, Littlenailgirl's Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Abuse Awareness colors.)

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IMG_4435 (1)

9. What is a typical day like for you?

Good Morning Littlenailgirl, at 4:15 AM! (I do not like that alarm) I must start my day early because I work full time with my polish line and full time as a nail artist. In the wee hours of the morning, I walk my pup while drinking a BIG cup of coffee. Then it’s off to Littlenailgirl Headquarters. I answer emails, pack orders and play a little on the internet (hey, honestly is the best policy!)… I enjoy seeing all the posts on social media from people all over the world who are in different time zones and post while I was sleeping. That being said, there sure is a lot to look at! About 4 hours later, I am now ready to start my clients at the salon. I am blessed to have a packed day there and I enjoy my time with my clients.  Fast forward to 8:00 PM and I’m ready to head back to Littlenailgirl Lacquers and take care of anything that has come in during the day. I always enjoy seeing all the sweet comments, emails, photo reposts and love for my lacquers from throughout the day. Now it’s time to light a few candles and unwind with my sweetheart.  Wake Up, Be Awesome, Repeat!!

It Girl Heather 2
It Girl Heather 2

10. What was the biggest obstacle you faced so far in the process of pursuing your dreams?

I have encountered a substantial amount of pessimism while beginning my journey. With the loving support of my family, I was able to overcome that and pursue my dreams of having my own lacquer line. Surround yourself with positive people.

11. What is the best piece of advice you have received?

If you can dream it, you can do it!!

12. When do you get your best ideas?

All the time. I hardly ever shut my mind off! I constantly see things and get ideas throughout the day and jot them down. Thank goodness for note pads!!

13. Can you share with us one time that you failed and what you learned from that failure.

I have always had the dream of creating my own lacquer line, unfortunately I failed to act upon it until recent years. I have learned to go for it and not let anyone bring you down. I now have an amazing circle of support and I am proud of all we do together!!

14. How do you unwind?

Unwind... I spend time with my family, walk my pup, read and light lots of candles.

 15. What would you tell someone else who wants to start their own business?

Do it!!! Find something that you are passionate about and run with it. In this day and age we are so lucky to have the internet. An information highway at your fingertips at all times. Research, research, research!! Be positive and create a vision board. Seeing helps to believe. Enjoy every moment.

It Girl Heather 3
It Girl Heather 3

16. What do you hope people take away from your story?

I would love for people to pursue their dreams, keeping an open mind, always knowing they are worth it.


17. Anything we missed that you would like to share?

I am the happiest girl. I am proud of my choices and without a doubt have learned some great life lessons in my 36 years. Love what you do!!! Cheers!!


